AWS connector support

Here are the steps to connect your AWS account to

AWS connection

First, you will need to log into your AWS account.

Make sure your IAM has the necessary rights to touch the billing and S3 buckets at Lota.Cloud.

I. Creating an IAM for

Go to the IAM service, "Users", "Add a user".

  • Give a user name for your IAM and check

Type of access :

  • Programmatic Access " Enables an access key ID and secret access key for AWS API, CLI, SDK and other development tools. "
  • Next page: Permits
  • Attach existing policies directly and look for the policy "AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess" to attach to your IAM
  • Take the opportunity to place a [Key: Value] tag to track the activity of our IAM
  • Then after validation, you arrive at thePublic and Secret APIkey interface where API keys should be pasted

II. Creating an S3 Bucket for export

You must then go to the Amazon S3 menu to create a new bucket where the billing exports will be deposited.

  • Click on " Create a compartment". 
  • Then fill in " The name of the compartment " and the " Region". 
  • Complete the procedure by placing markers to find your way around.

The form expects you to fill in the " name " and "region of the bucket

The last step is to configure the export of billing and usage data.

  • You must therefore go to the " Billing" menu 
  • Left menu, " Cost & Usage report 
  • Then add a report
  • Enter a report name
  • Check the boxes " include resource IDs " and
    " Automatically update your cost and usage report when charges from
    previous months related to closed invoices are detected."
  • Click on Next

AWS requires an S3 bucket in which to store your CUR (previous step)

  • Select the bucket you have just created.
  • Check the box " I have confirmed that this strategy is correct ".

Report path prefix: BatchA:
➔ Temporal granularity: " Hourly "
➔ Report version management: " Replace existing report "
➔ Compression type: GZIP

  • Then click on Check and Finish

Once completed the report will be displayed in the list, AWS needs at least 24 hours before it can generate its first report, which will be available in your Amazon S3 compartment.